No Community Left Behind: A ten point plan to boost SME growth

Join Rushanara Ali MP, Renaissance, Progressive Britain and SME4Labour to discuss how Labour and small business


“No Community Left Behind: How Labour and small businesses can drive economic growth and good jobs from the ground up.”

With guest speaker Rushanara Ali MP – Shadow Minister for Investment and Small Business.

Tuesday 6th February, 6pm – 7.45pm, Committee Room 8.

Keir Starmer has made sustainable and balanced economic growth one of his five key missions for the next Labour Government. But he and Rachel Reeves will have very little fiscal headroom and therefore will need to be in the market for innovative policies that can drive growth without breaking the bank.

Our new 10-point plan – drafted by Renaissance and Progressive Britain, based on contributions by 10 experts – sets out how Labour can do just that. Our recommendations include a wide range of reforms to company law, governance and regulatory frameworks, some reshaping of tax structures and a raft of other non-fiscal incentives to unleash the potential of small-and-medium-sized businesses to grow and transform our local economies across Britain.

We’re now looking for your feedback on our draft proposals. Join Rushanara Ali MP and our event partners SME4Labour in Parliament on 6 February to input your thoughts into “No Community Left Behind” and help to shape Labour’s policy agenda.


Welcome: Emily Wallace (Chair)

Introduction to ten-point plan: Hugh Goulbourne (Renaissance, Steering Group)

Reflections from:

• Rushanara Ali MP

• Paul Wilson FSB (invited)

• Contributors to ten-point plan – Paul Lindley OBE, Liz Hind (Labour Business); Sam Alvis (IPPR); and Mat Ilic (Greenworkx)

• Questions and contributions from other attendees

For any further questions about the event please email [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you in Parliament.