Lord Kinnock’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

In Covid conditions ,life has been more tough for SME’s than ever before,not least because of the way in which the Government has  woefully neglected the realities facing self-employed people.The fact that so many have endured and shown great creativity is a tribute to enterprise,service and true bravery.That deserves recognition and – vitally – support because you will be essential in all efforts to rebuild the economy.

Be assured that SME4Labour stands with you in making that case for durable prosperity everywhere in the UK.”

Neil Kinnock

Stephen Timms MP’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

SMEs are the lifeblood of our economy.  They play a crucial role as innovators.  They recruit far more unemployed people into jobs than large...

Kim Johnson MP’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

As the MP for the heart of the city of Liverpool, I know just how valuable SMEs are in creating wealth in our region,...