Cllr Tony Ethapemi’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

Small and Medium size enterprises (SME) are encouraged in Brent for its obvious benefits of boosting the local economy through job creation and increasing the supply of commodities within the borough. Brent Council is also working toward zero carbon emission by 2030 and SME’s are integral to this aspiration.

SME’s apart from providing economic growth, they also provide employment opportunities and open new markets, creating skill and semi-skilled workers, providing future industries such as the tech industry and carbon neutral enterprises in Brent. Apart from retail enterprises there are the gig economy. SME’s generally are driving economic expansion in Brent. We see such enterprises like Deliveroo, and advance technological enterprises; these SME’s are vital to the local economy in Brent.

SME’ s in a COVID_19 environment in Brent has had an obvious negative economic impact in Brent, essentially because of lockdown and the lack of free Wi Fi ‘s in areas like Park Royal and Wembley because some small shop owners may not qualify for the furlough scheme and others may have difficulty in meeting the criteria for local authority business grants. However, the development of Brent works in creating enterprise courses and apprentices in Brent is encouraging for the future particularly when the Pandemic ends.

Councillor Tony Ethapemi

Brent Council

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