Cllr Sheila Peacock’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

I am delighted to be asked to write a short message in support of SME4 Labour, this organisation has proved to be a benefit  to many small enterprises. I am so glad that this initiative was started just over 4 years ago, as SME4 has proved to be a lifeline to many people trying to start up new enterprises giving them much needed support and information how to improve. As I have been a member of the Labour for over 60 years I am delighted that the help given is linked with the Labour Party. Labour has a proud tradition of helping others to succeed and may it long continue to do so.”

Councillor Sheila Peacock

Northumberland Park

Stephen Timms MP’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

SMEs are the lifeblood of our economy.  They play a crucial role as innovators.  They recruit far more unemployed people into jobs than large...

Kim Johnson MP’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

As the MP for the heart of the city of Liverpool, I know just how valuable SMEs are in creating wealth in our region,...