Cllr Parvez Ahmed’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

I am delighted to have been asked by Ibrahim to share a small message ahead of the 4th Annual Gala Dinner of SME4Labour.

As both a small business owner of many years as well as a Labour Party Member and local Councillor, I am proud to be associated with SME4Labour and the fantastic work being done to strengthen relations between small and medium-sized enterprises, micro-businesses and the self-employed with the Labour Party.

The efforts of Ibrahim Dogus, and the rest of the team and members has been excellent but there is much more to be done – I have no doubt that SME4Labour will continue to provide a platform and opportunity to further build and strengthen relations between small and medium enterprises and the Labour Party.

I look forward to continuing to support and work with Ibrahim and the team at SME4Labour.


Best Wishes for the 4th Gala Dinner.


Cllr Parvez Ahmed

Labour Councillor, Dollis Hill Ward

Mayor of Brent

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