Cllr Irfan Mohammed’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

As a previous Business Owner and Lambeth Business Champion, I have had the advantage to see first hand the difficult circumstances Small businesses have faced.
And in need of more support than ever, they have kept the economy moving and delivering supplies to the elderly, the connection between a small business and local people you cannot get online or in big chains.
Small businesses provide jobs and opportunities across the country and during this pandemic we have seen how they have stepped up to support those most in need you can not only support small businesses by just spending with them but also by promoting the work businesses do, I’m proud that SME4Labour is giving the platform and the opportunity for these businesses to be recognised and also to celebrate the contributions they have made to all.
Cllr Irfan Mohammed

Stephen Timms MP’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

SMEs are the lifeblood of our economy.  They play a crucial role as innovators.  They recruit far more unemployed people into jobs than large...

Kim Johnson MP’s Message of Support for SME4Labour

As the MP for the heart of the city of Liverpool, I know just how valuable SMEs are in creating wealth in our region,...