Friends of Durham Miners’ Gala Fundraising Dinner


“The past we inherit, the future we build”

That’s the rallying cry for the Durham Miners’ Gala.

Last year 200,000 people responded, making the ‘Big Meeting’ the world’s largest gathering of trade union, socialist and community-minded spirits – all coming together to celebrate the traditions of solidarity and mutual support.

It is, as it always has been, paid for by the people, for the people.

On Wednesday the 9th of May, SME4Labour will be hosting a fundraising dinner for the Friends of Durham Miners’ Gala at Troia Restaurant .

Speakers will include distinguished figures from across the Labour Party and Trade Union movement..

Tickets are priced at £50 per person, with tables of ten available for £500.

All proceeds will go directly to supporting ‘Marras’ and the ‘Big Meeting’ for generations to come!

For more information, please email [email protected]